
Aakansha Singh

Batch 2018 Batch 2018 July 22, 2023 | 2 minutes
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Aakansha Singh

A girl from Delhi, so bright and true,
Her smile is radiant, it shines right through!!.

She has a brilliant mind with unparalleled academic prowess. Add to this her dedication, she firmly secures her position among the top students of the campus. She effortlessly stands out from the rest of her peers when she is around, thanks to her multifaceted talents. A mesmerizing beauty with an impeccable sense of fashion, Aakanksha Singh has captured hearts of many. Her indulgent fashion sense is merely a reflection of her vibrant outlook of life. At one point, Oxford Dictionary considered defining the word “shopaholic” as just “Aakansha”. All major parcel offices in Ratlam have a shelf dedicated to her, for hardly a day pass by without a new parcel for her.

She is a skilled dancer, leaving the spectators in awe whenever it is in display. However, the frequency of that display is cut down by her all-time nemesis - unexplained injuries. A cut on the hand or bruised knees is practically breakfast for her.

Known as a fierce spirit and a friend in the truest sense, she will be there by her friends’ side through thick and thin. She is someone whom you can confide to and is full of zest for life. If you have a problem, Aakansha has a solution - this is a one of those facts of life like earth is round and sun rises in the east.

In a nutshell, she is a little crazy when it comes to shopping, little crazy when it comes to - well, practically everything, but a lovely fantastic human being.

Batch 2018
by Batch 2018

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