
To bring to light, the plight of grieving interns of Government Medical College, Ratlam

Batch 2019 Batch 2019 July 21, 2024 | 2 minutes
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To bring to light, the plight of grieving interns of Government Medical College, Ratlam
  • There has been a significant delay of four months in the disbursement of our stipend which has lead to various financial disturbances in our lives. Even after repeated meetings with the accounts department, making sure that our attendance has been sent to the student section and patiently waiting for this long based on their false promises, there has been no resolution to this matter.
  • We have been working diligently for shifts lasting over 18 hours, doing emergency duties, night shifts, getting shouted at by everyone at various levels of hierarchy starting from the cleaning staff and still taking it all in as valuable critique yet being denied the remuneration in form of stipend as stipulated by NMC.
  • We were presented with unjustifiable excuses by every department involved upon inquiry about the status of our stipend.
  • Despite giving our best, when we approached the authorities to seek help we were shunned, scolded and belittled.
    Claims were made that we skip our duties , do not report on calls and are only there to fill out slips and leisure it out and yet since the announcement of our strike we have been receiving continuous threats of unduly extensions.
  • In a newly established hospital, where there is a clear deficit of support staff and residents, we are expected to fill in all the gaps and we have been doing that laboriously without complaining. All we seek in return is being acknowledged and seen as the integral part of health care system that we are.
  • We are the first contacts of our patients, we do all the preliminary work , monitor their vitals. We along with residents are available for them 24*7. We are there in the night wide awake like owls, looking out for our patients and monitoring them so that in the morning we can see them and their families smiling.

However, without any positive response and reassuring actions from the college authorities, we are pushed to take such a drastic measure.
We hope that our esteemed Dean would see the plight of our situation, and resolve this issue so that we may return to our academic pursuits and patient care.

Batch 2019
by Batch 2019
The second batch of Government Medical College Ratlam. A diverse group of aspiring medical professional united by the misery that is MBBS.

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